


This 招生 season we will also be doing a few live sessions to give you the chance to interact directly with our students and alumni and to ask questions about financial aid. 我们希望在下面的活动中看到你! 所有会议于晚上7点开始,不需要注册.

12月13日星期三 金融援助 了解更多关于这个过程是如何运作的,以及我们帮助家庭的方式. 40% of our families get some kind of financial assistance totaling over $4 Million. 
1月17日星期三 仅限学生讨论 Check this out for an unfiltered insight into Solebury as you’ll have access to a group of our students without any 教师 there.
2月7日星期三 校友小组-听取毕业生的意见 Come and talk to a group of our alumni to hear their thoughts as they look back on their Solebury experience. 它是如何为他们上大学做准备的? How do they feel about their time here as they look at it with older eyes and the benefit of more life experience?


想了解更多关于索伯里大学的具体课程? Watch the below recordings to hear from 教师 here about the incredible opportunities that your child can enjoy here.



I don’t even know how to begin to convey all of the ways that Solebury means so much to not only my husband and me but especially to our daughter, 美食. As soon as we stepped foot on the Solebury campus we knew that this was the right place for her. 她直呼老师的名字, 班级规模非常小, 并且是在一个有利于任何学习能力的学习环境中. 没有制服, students take an extracurricular activity every semester as well as perform community service, 而宿舍的环境是对大学氛围的完美介绍. 大学预科是首屈一指的, with one on one assistance with writing college essays and a direct line to the Director of College 招生 who begins meeting with Juniors on a regular basis to make sure they are well-guided and on the right path. Our daughter has gotten into a very competitive program at the college of her choice with a tremendous scholarship. Solebury has so many opportunities for both students and parents to get involved. The teachers and 管理员 are always also very involved in activities outside of the classroom and are cherished by the kids. 如果你还没有考虑过寄宿学校或走读学校,可以去索莱伯里. 你一踏进校园就会改变主意. We will forever be grateful to this school that has helped our daughter to 成长 in ways that we never deemed possible. 



韦德娱乐app下载地址对我们的女儿来说真是天赐良机. 她曾就读于一系列公立和私立学校, 一路上的经历都很复杂. 索伯里给了她一个机会, 有创意的, 整体学习环境, one which nurtures her love for the performing arts and challenges her to 成长 intellectually, 社会, 和情感上. 我们深深地感谢老师们, 管理员, 还有所有的支持人员——他们的关心和承诺总是让我们付出更多! 索莱伯里是一个非常特殊的社区.

——michele Rivkin-Fish,教堂山,北卡罗来纳州



My name is Tim Gallen, Director of 大学咨询 here at 韦德娱乐app下载地址. 我的学生工作包括一系列的活动, from writing an individual letter of recommendation for each senior (which I further personalize for each college they are applying to), 在你摸索过程中与你交谈, to arranging for representatives from colleges to visit our campus (we bring about 100 schools to campus), 组织和监督学生的所有标准化考试(P坐), 坐, 行为, AP, 等.). 在这里了解更多关于蒂姆·加伦的信息


我最喜欢的课程无疑是我大二的荣誉伦理学它挑战了我对这个世界最深刻的一些假设, 揭示了我们日常生活中道德冲突的复杂性, and equipped me with tools to navigate the increasingly unsteady landscape of life and its ethical dilemmas. 它激发了我对道德哲学的兴趣,至今我都无法动摇, 以及根深蒂固的问“为什么会这样”的习惯?21岁的蒂姆

I love Zachary Arrington’s 英语 9 because he really eng年龄s the students and presents the work with real passion and enthusiasm. He makes you feel respected and encour年龄s you to feel good about whatever it is we are studying by enhancing the experience. 在今年之前,我并不喜欢英语, 但现在这是我最喜欢的课程之一,这都是扎克的功劳. He helped me understand that all things have beauty if you look at them from the right angle. 奥利维亚的23




Solebury’s residential life program offers a holistic approach to ensure that students not only pursue rigorous academics but learn lifelong skills while building strong bonds with peers and adults within our community. We believe our students can flourish with a balance of structure and flexibility that allows them to learn essential life skills, 尝试新事物, 培养更强的自我意识.
